Just a reminder that the Free Website Contest ends tonight at midnight (EST).
So I don’t have a long post here but I wanted to let you all know I didn’t disappear off the face of the earth. I’ve been working on some things on the side, my PayPal shopping cart plugin (which I was hoping to have finished a long time ago), another plugin idea to help with the install/cleanup of WordPress, and a couple of client projects… I’ve also been scouting around for cool tools that I could let you all know about, and I found one that has some cool potential.
Themeswell (currently in beta and running a design contest) offers the ability to customize your own WordPress theme with an editor. I registered and only played around a bit but it has some great potential. I still believe that most people should just purchase a theme (links available on the resources page) but if you have some design skills and want to take a stab at creating a theme, this looks to be a great way to get going.
After registering for the beta (and agreeing to a bunch of agreements) I was able to log in to my test installation. I then was able to activate the theme, pick a starting theme, and add a text field. I’ll attach a few images of what things look like on the inside. Now I haven’t done a whole ton of work on the inside but it looks promising and worth another look around. If you have some time, give it a shot and let me know in the comments what you think?

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